Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dealing with difficult employees

Every day, the HR department has this wonderful challenge: dealing with difficult employees and we have to find the best solution and strategy to make them be part of the team.
How do we do that? Well, we don't have a magic wand that help us to get rid of daily problems, but we have some instruments that can help us to find the solution to our little problem. 
The first step is to understand that we all are different and for you to know how to deal with a difficult employee is to know them. In every organizations we have a lot of behaviors:

The overly ambitions       The dramatic one
The hilarious one                                The quiet one
                    The cynical one                                   The overly talking

Another important step is to not ignore the problem. It is easy to ignore a problem but if you let it resolve by itself it might became bigger and if at beginning it involves one person or two after it evolves it might involve much more.  An entire angry department doesn't sound that great.
After you find out what the problem is you have to take and give feedback. This means that you might have found only one side of the problem and that not give you the solution. Have a 1 on 1 meeting with the employee, find out why he is behaving like that and after have a meeting with the department manager and his colleagues. Take the feedback from all persons involved and don't forget to give back your feedback. It is important for this meetings to have an ending conclusion which is  also communicated to your difficult employee.
Keep it professional - don't forget it is a business problem not a personal one. We all know that is difficult to let your personal side away but at work we have to do it.
Stick to your HR policy - if you have a HR policy you have to stick to it because you might create confusion and also you might leave the impression that you apply them discretionary. This thing get us to another step: be consistent in your decisions, in your procedures, don't change them in the middle of the game.
One of the most important thing, in my opinion is LISTEN. Listen your difficult people, see what's bothers them. Why is he being so difficult. It may be a little thing and you can solve it quickly.

How are you dealing with your special employees? What are you doing to get them be part of the team?   

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